Tuesday 6 April 2010

Mint Julips Lip Scrub by Lush

I suffer from dry, flaky lips so when I was presented with this little lip scrub by Lush I was immediately intrigued - would it actually keep my lips soft and flake-free all day??!
In a word: yes. After brushing my teeth I rubbed a tiny bit on and it instantly buffed away any dead skin... and it tasted like After Eights (YUM!!) The only issue I have with this baby is that  for £4.50, it's a bit overpriced for something so small with so little inside it... and to be honest I could just mix some honey and sugar DIY style and make it myself for a fraction on the cost. 
That being said it did taste/smell absolutely divine and now I've got my sweet tooth set on the bubblegum and vanilla ones.... :- )

As you can see there's not much in there

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