Sunday 4 July 2010

OPI... again!

I go through stages where I am obsessed with something.... for a while it was blusher, then lipstick and now nail varnish. I don't know how it happens but I suddenly become amorously fascinated with that one thing. I've been experimenting with different nail colours on my hands and feet and I love how something so simple and inexpensive can transform someone's look.

Here are some NOTD pics of my OPI nail lacquers that I've been hearting lately...

OPI in Pinking of You
I picked this up at my local department store because they were having a 20% off OPI and I just couldn't resist. Although technically not a 'summer' colour, the pink really jumps out and is very pigmented. In real life  it's brighter and less milky and opaque - definitely not a boring pale baby pink. In fact it reminds me of the MAC lipstick in Pink Nouveau, which never suited me... but the nail varnish version does so yay!

OPI in So Hot it Berns
This is part of the OPI A/W Swiss collection and isn't available to buy until August, but if you're looking to pick something up I'd definitely recommend this along with Glitzerland. The colour is a really bright, sizzling red and looks amazing on the feet. I took the pic with a flash only because it captured the true colour much better then without flash. If you want to turn heads this is the nail varnish for you!

Does anyone have any other nail varnish recommendations for me? I tend to avoid dark colours but anything else goes!

Sami x 


  1. I love the pretty pink.

  2. Red nail varnish is such a weakness for me. Its such a classic coolour. The OPI one looks really good.I'm currently really obsessed with mascara.

  3. red is such a classic colour... and it suits nearly everyone!

  4. Thank you Leia! I agree.... it's such a hassle to take off and I'm always left with a horrible red stain lol... A base coat does help prevent staining but i can never be bothered with that!
