Saturday 24 July 2010

What's Your Dosha?

Anyone familiar with Ayurveda? Nope... me neither... that is, until I went for an Ayurvedic massage* at Blink's newly opened spa room. Blink Bar is most well known for it's iconic eyebrow threading, which has received rave reviews from the likes of Vogue and Elle magazine. They've now branched out to massages and facials and I was treated to a full body massage, designed to help restore a balance between the 'doshas' in my body.

A (Brief) Explanation of Doshas
There are three doshas within us that help keep our body balanced. Everyone has one dosha which is more dominant. 

Mind: sharp, intellectual, direct
Body: medium build, warm, muscular
Skin: sensitive, acne prone
Hair: tendency for early greying and thinning
Appetite: you can eat just about anything at any time
Temperament: passionate, driven, courageous, strong sex drive, good leader
Conversation style: speaks to convey a point
Shopping style: spends on luxury items
Stress response: irritable, tendency to blame others

Mind: detail orientated, consistent
Body: sturdy, gains weight easily, has trouble losing it
Skin: smooth, oily
Hair: thick, oily
Appetite: loves to eat but has slow digestion
Routine: methodical, resistant to change
Temperament: thoughtful, forgiving, sweet, patient, loving, content, slow moving
Conversation: simple and profound
Shopping style: saves
Stress response: doesn't like dealing with it, withdrawn

Mind: creative, quick, imaginative
Body: thin, light frame
Skin: dry
Hair: dry
Appetite: delicate, spontaneous, often misses meals
Routine: variable, spontaneous
Temperament: welcomes new experiences, excitable, friendly, energetic
Conversation: loves to talk
Shopping style: buy, buy, buy
Stress response: tendency to blame oneself

If you look at the three doshas and their characteristics you will see that there is one you can relate to more. Before my massage I was asked to fill out a quick questionnaire to determine which dosha I was but the woman immediately recognised me as a Pitta.

I don't know about you guys but I love personality test type things like this... they're so interesting and usually accurate. Which one are you?!

Sami x

Blink Bar
Fenwick @ New Bond Street, London
For appointments call: 0207 408 

A full body massage costs £75 for one hour

Side note: This was the second massage I've ever had in my life and although it was sooooo incredibly relaxing I found getting undressed and letting a stranger touch me a tiny bit uncomfortable. I think the problem is that I just don't get massage etiquette - what do you wear? Is it rude to fall asleep? What if it hurts?!! Can someone please explain this to me!! Gosh all this stress - I think I need another massage...

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