Thursday 22 July 2010

Beauty: A Man's Perspective


Beauty blogs are such a female dominated market that we usually forget guys have an opinion on beauty too. For this reason I thought I'd dedicate today's post to the guys and find out what they really think about our beauty obsession.

Bear in mind that this doesn't mean we should wear makeup for a guy's pleasure... just that it'd be quite interesting to see what they think about it!

I've enlisted the help of two guys who will give their no holds barred opinion on everything from lipstick to beards (they aren't too keen on them btw...)

Do you prefer girls wearing a lot of makeup or nothing at all?
Jash - I think girls look nice in makeup. They shouldn't leave the house without it... in fact they should wake up wearing it! I like it when they make an effort with their appearance and do their makeup nicely, it shows they aren't lazy... and no one likes a slob right?!
Nas - When they wear a lot of makeup it just makes them look like a clown. I think it looks nice when it's toned down a bit.

What about bright eye and lip colours?
J - Pink or red lipstick always look nice - especially red. Heavy eye makeup looks good too if the girl's going on a night out because it shows they've made an effort.   
N - Lip gloss always looks nice but when girls wear really bright colours it looks like they're trying a bit tooo hard.

Let's talk about hair... straight/curly, long short?
J - I don't really have a preference as long as it's soft and healthy. These days everyone has straight hair so it's a nice change to see girls with curly hair - it makes them intriguing.
N - I'm not keen on short hair but I think some girls can pull it off, like Rihanna.

Do you prefer short nails or long acrylics?
J - Short nails are nicer. I can't stand it when they're really long - it just looks scary! I'm not too keen on wierd colours either - it should be something feminine and neutral like pink.
N - Crazy long nails make a girl look too ghetto and I can't stand that. Simple is better.

Opinion on eyebrows and facial hair please?
J - Messy or bushy eyebrows are a big NO. They should be kept tidy and shaped to suit the girl's face. I hate it when they're really thin as well.
N - My advice is that if you like a guy don't ever, ever let him see you with unkept eyebrows and facial hair - it really puts us off!

What do you/don't you like about perfume?
J - When it's overpowering and strong it makes me feel a bit sick. But something sweet and floral is always nice. Chanel Coco madmoiselle is the nicest perfume I've come across on a woman.
N - I love it when a girl wears perfume! it doesn't have to be anything in particular, as long as it's got a sweet scent.

Name a celebrity's makeup you like and one whos you don't...
J - I never notice a celeb's makeup but I think Shakira always looks good. I can't stand Britney Spears - she just looks like a slob 24/7. 
N - Cheryl Cole always looks nice and glamorous. I don't like Jordan - there's just nothing nice about her!

Well there you have it... this is just an insight into what men think about beauty (two guy's opinions don't exactly represent the entire male population - but you get the idea). I hope you found it interesting nonetheless. There are some things that only a girl friend will understand (like a shared love for muddy brown nails) but that's fine by me!

Sami xx


  1. Boys always says that they prefer women to look more natural but most of the boys I know get confused with "being natural" and "looking natural". A girl at work wears a LOT of VISIBLE makeup and people are always saying she has too much on. There is another girl who wears a lot more than she does but because it's all neutral, you can't tell and they think girl two is natural and girl 1 is caked in it .

  2. I don't wear make up for guys, but I do love getting a guys opinion on things like this. Its really interesting. Great post!

  3. I agree - guys like makeup, but not obvious makeup... some girls can wear a lot and it looks like they have naturally glowing skin and then there's the girls who cake it on and it just looks wrong!!!

  4. Interesting post! it is always interesting to know a guys perspective on beauty! xoxo

  5. Definitely agree! We always say we wear make up for ourselves (and probably to show other women) rather than for men. I mean how many times would you hear a man compliment your make up, as compared to your fellow female counterparts who instantly notice when you have a new shade of lipstick on. Anyway, saying that it is quite refreshing to hear a man's perspective on something we thought didn't really appeal to them. Well done Glam Sam, fab post! xx

  6. i love this! So funny to hear what guys really think about womens style and makeup xo

  7. I'm glad you guys enjoyed this post! xxx

  8. i love this post!! i prefer being natural doing the day time (obviously natural looking makeup.. not completely natural) and glam during the night time!
