Saturday 17 July 2010

Quick NOTD - Fuchsia Hype

You may remember a previous Nail of the Day post I did for OPI's So Hot it Berns... it was this really bright red and although I absolutely adoooored it, the colour just didn't seem to mesh well with my skintone. I put it down to the fact that my hands are freakishly darker than my face (about five shades darker, I kid you not).

Anyhuu I discovered Bourjois' Fuchsia Hype Nail Polish which is goooooooooorgeous! It's a rich raspberry red and suits darker skintone really well. If you're not too sure about wearing a bright red nail varnish this is the perfect alternative.

Chic Raspberry Red Nails!
I'm still going through a nail polish obsession and on the look out for a bright purple/lilacone, which of course is the only colour that I can't find ANYWHERE! Suggestions are more then welcome :-)

Sami xx


  1. Lovely colour on you, i'm a new follower, just found your blog x

  2. Nice to meet you! I'm wearing it on my toes today :-) x

  3. Hope you find it! I love this red color, actually.

  4. excellent post your blog//pretty nice contents...helps to learn some thing for a non-native speaker ....attractive and cool article(this post u wrote ) is cool as like my cool blog(of course name of my blog..haha)

  5. LOL I have clearly gone bonkers. That comment was meant to read, 'what a great COLOR' ! Haha.

  6. Lol Leia!! You have to try this colour xx
