Monday 28 June 2010

Would you... leave the house without makeup?

There are some women who wouldn't dream of leaving the house without a bit of slap on, then there are some women who just need some bronzer and mascara and they're ready to go. Unfortunately I fall in to the latter. Since sixth form, when I discovered the wonderful world of makeup (I know - i'm a late starter), I've had this thing where I have to wear makeup everytime I go out. It's strange, but for some reason I feel naked without it!

I blame the media for our insecurities. In a world where we're surrounded by billboards and TV adverts featuring impossibly beautiful women who set the standards so high, how can we feel good about ourselves?! Then there are the tabloids and gossip mags that love to poke fun at the actress or singer who has - shock horror - left their house without any makeup, so that it's now become socially acceptable to call someone ugly. There's nothing wrong with leaving the house without any makeup but I'm sure a lot of us feel 'ugly' or 'plain' without it.

Eva Longoria - beautiful with or without makeup in my opinion!

My skin isn't even that bad. It has a few blemishes and problem areas, but it's nothing that a bit of concealer can't fix. Every morning, when I get ready for work, I apply foundation, bronzer/blusher, top and bottom eyeliner and a lip balm or lipstick. To some people that might not seem like much (I've seen girls pile on ten times more makeup then that!) but to me it seems quite excessive. I mean, what happened to natural beauty?! Now that the weather is sweltering hot and my good friend Hay Fever is back and badder then ever I've found myself opting to wear less makeup.

Today I even managed to leave the house with NO EYE MAKEUP! Those who know me will know that I always wear eyeliner - they never see me without it - not even the mister! So let's see if I can keep it going for the rest of the week. I might even do a FOTD post.

Can anyone else not live without makeup... or is it just me?!

Sami xx 


  1. I tend to float between the two.. I either feel like I NEED a full face of makeup on and then other times I can get by with just a bit of lipgloss.
    But most of the time I feel like I mustmustmust be wearing makeup is cos everytime i look like a mess, I bump into people..usually from school..and they look amazing and me.. not so much :p hah
    following your blog :)

  2. Whenever i go out without makeup, i always get the same comment 'you look so tired today'... omg it's so annoying, even if i think i look okay.
    On days when i think my skin looks good then i often opt for minimal to no makeup, but i always have to curl my lashes and put a smidge of mascara on! To me it makes all the difference.

  3. @ Leia - I'm like you... i always need something on my eyes!

    @ Perfectionishuman - that once happened to me... bumped into an ex with mo makeup & unbrushed hair... never again lol

    @ Sherin - see i wish i could do that but i love makeup too much!

    @ Lubna - omgosh i always get that comment when I don't wear makeup... i think it's because we have quite big eyes and when you don't wear eyeline it makes them much bigger!

  4. i leave without makeup but only since i am new in town. back in my old town, i would NEVER.

  5. @Elle - it's personal preference i guess xx

    @ AMK - I'm glad u like my blog name! And i don't think makeup can give u bad skin unless u wear it ALL the time and don't bother taking it off at night... but you're still young - you don't need makeup!! :-) xx

  6. I used to wear quite a bit of make up i even started putting foundation on. Then when i went travelling it was too hot to put it all on so i just wore concealer(which i really can't live without!!) and mascara.

    I've never worn lipstick before as i have such trouble with my lips always flaking and find it doesn't go on smooth or just looks really weird on me.

    I'm a new follower and i have to say i love your blog it's great! x
