Wednesday 31 March 2010

Makeup on the train...

This morning didn't start off well for me - I woke up at 7.50am and I had to leave by 8. Neddless to say I was rushing around like mad woman trying to get my clothes on and make my hair look presentable. I didn't have any time for makeup so I shoved a bunch of stuff in my bag to put on in the train.

Big mistake.

No only were people giving me strange looks when I made my 'mascara face' (you know the one where your mouth is hanging open randomly...) I couldn't put my eyeliner on without smudging it at least twice. And I had blusher going everywhere. :S

Now my question is... what is the most effective way to put makeup on when your on the train/tube/bus?
I think I really have to master this because I always see other women effortlessly applying their lippie and liner... and wonder how they do it?!!!??


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