Sunday 28 March 2010

Haircut.... Finally!

So i've finally taken the plunge and got my haircut! If you read one of my previous posts you'll remember how I said I hadn't cut it for a year and a half... but the other day I decided to pay a visit to the hairdressers and get rid of those pesky split ends.

Now bear in mind that when I say 'haircut' this actually means a trim (does half an inch even count as a trim?!) But nonetheless it deff looks fresher and healthier so i'm happy : - )

Then, that same day I brought some extensions from a beauty shop in east London. They were 100% European human hair and cost only £30... which compared to a lot of online places is quite cheap!

Here's a visual....



Sorry about my horrible photography... I realise now that wearing a leopard print cardi isn't the best way to show my hair and it's length... lol

As you can see the extensions add length and volume but not so much that it looks fake - in fact none of my friends noticed I was wearing extensions until I told them!! I tried to wear it straight but found that it didn't look as natural as it does curly. 

Hope you like!! xx

NB: I brought the extensions without the clips, which turned out to be a nightmare as I was up forever sewing them on so I would suggest to get them with the clips on...!


  1. You look lovely in both pics! xoxo

  2. Hey I just found your blog & I'm following now. I love how you work for the mag & interviews Deepika Padukone.. she's my fave bollywood diva right now. Love your hair with the extensions.. they look like they match perfectly!

    Btw, I'm having a lotion giveaway on my blog if you're interested!

  3. Thanks hun... they look natural when i curl em... but not so much when i leave it straight! lol

    Ooo I'll deff check out your comp :- )
    Sami xx
