Sunday 28 March 2010

Better late then never....

The Vitality Show
I realise I'm like a week late on posting this but I can't let it go unnoticed! The Vitality Show 2010 was held in Earls Court for 4 days last week and showcased some of the best health and beauty companies in the UK. In short - it was like a beauty paradise!! There were live demos, classes, great offers and loads of goodies!

Benefit had a 15% off all their products and Bourjois were doing a 2 for £9 or 3 for £12 offer. I did get some goodies from Bourjois but bypassed Benefit as I'm not really a fan of theirs... There were also lots of facials/manis/pedis going on for a great discounted price... The Dove Spa in particular caught my eye (facial for a tenner? Yes please!!) The Sk;n Clinic (yeah that's how they spell it) probably attracted the biggest crowd. They were doing free skin consultations and it seemed like everyone wanted to try it out! Anyway the queue was so long I left it out - but I will probably check out one of their London clinics soon to see what all the fuss is about.

I had such a great time that I'm already waiting for the 2011 show... anyone know if they're going to hold it again?! For now i'll be saving my pennies for The Clothes Show which I hear is also really good!

I'll leave you with a preview of all the goodies I shamelessly blagged on the day....

The food was all healthy stuff so I gave it to my mummy 

Ahhh.... lovely beauty goodies : - )


  1. Nice haul hun! looks like you had so much fun over there!xoxo

  2. Yeah... it was a really good event... i'd recommend all beauty addicts to attend next yr! :-) xx
