Thursday 26 August 2010

Breast Cancer Beauty Products

I'm not going to tell you about the importance of breast cancer awareness because you probably already know. What I will tell you is, that if like me, the mere thought of doing a sponsored marathon or walk for charity has you breaking out in sweat then don't worry - there's an easier and funner (is that a word?!) way to raise money! Some of the big beauty brands have come up with special limited edition pink products to support the cause. Which one (if not all) will you be buying?!
Estee Lauder Elizabeth Hurley Pink Ribbon Lipstick Collection, £25
Estee Lauder Elizabeth Hurley Pink Ribbon Lipgloss Collection, £25

Clinique Great Lips, Great Cause Glosswear Key Chain, £15
Clinique Special Edition Dramatically Different Moisturising Lotion, £35
Estee Lauder Pink Ribbon Collection Jewelled Pin, £10
OPI Pink of Hearts Nail Laquer, £9.95

Bobbi Brown Pink Shimmer Brick, £29.50

My favourites are the Shimmer Brick and OPI nail varnish (surprise, surprise!) And don't quote me on this but most, if not ALL, the proceeds from the sale of Bobbi Brown's Pink Shimmer Brick will be going to charity. The rest will be donating £2 - £7.50 from each sale. I love non-guilty makeup! What will you be picking up??

Sami xx

PS - Normal blog posting will resume shortly - I've just been taking it slowly since Ramadan because my days are usually a blur of work, eat and sleep! Ramadan Mubarak to all my Muslim sisters reading this :- ) xx


  1. Ooo, this is great for me: I can't run, or even do walks, lol. My mum has the Bobbi Brown one and loves it.

  2. super cute stuff ,, and for a great cause <3
    plus pink is super cute ,,, love it .

  3. I am eyeing on the Bobbi Brown shimmer brick! It is gorgggg! xoxo

  4. have a lovely Ramadan too girly! and I love all the products :)

  5. Thanks girls... I love pink too so i'm super excited to get my hands on some of these products! xx

  6. I like that these companies have come out with such cute packaging in support of such a worthy cause. Every item here is gorgeous!
    My mom beat breast cancer earlier this year and I'm so happy for her.

  7. Really glad to hear that hun! x
