Thursday 23 September 2010

Lush Goodies: Honey Farm & a new Hero product?

I'm not a Lush expert and there are sooo many products to choose from so I thought I'd go for the Honey Farm Gift Set, £14.95, to sample some of their products. Dipping my toes into the water, so to speak. 

The gift set comes cutely wrapped in yellow (recyclable) paper and a black silk bow. I love buying presents, especially when they're for me, so this made me feel very special indeed :)

You open the box to find it covered in popcorn!
Note: Do NOT eat the popcorn - they are purely for packaging... as I learnt the hard way...

What you get inside
Top Left Clockwise: Honey I Washed the Kids Soap, Flying Fox Shower Gel, Honey Bee Bath Fizz, Ma Bar Bubble Bar

My Thoughts
Honey I Washed the Kids Soap: I don't usually use soap because I have VERY DRY skin but this one had no nasty chemicals, lathered up nicely and smelt delish! The scent lingers for a while after you use it too.
Flying Fox Shower Gel: Hands down BEST shower gel ever! The smell is very strong but it left my skin feeling soft and you only need a tiny bit to get a thick, creamy lather.
Honey Bee Bath Fizz: I'm not a 'bath kinda gal' but I chucked it into a running bath last week and it started fizzing up and coloured the bathwater a bright yellow! My skin feeling really silky and soft, which no other bath bomb/oil has ever done.
Ma Bar Bubble Bar: I got two baths out of this and it smelt like a yummy fudge... Mmmm! What else can I say about a Bubble Bar... Er... it created nice bubbles for my bath?

This is a great product for those that don't know much about Lush as it gives you an introduction to their main ranges: Soap, Shower Gel, Bath Fizz and Bubble Bar. The only thing missing was a massage bar, which I still want to try out. The perfect treat for a night of pampering :)

Hero Product?
Lush Dream Cream, £9.95

Does it work?
In a word: Yes. Lush Dream Cream is meant to be amazingly moisturising and soothing, especially for dry/sensitive skin so I couldn't resist trying it out. I might have mentioned before that I suffer from dry skin and I've tried nearly every type of body butter and cream out there! The Body Shop range is OK and smells lovely, but doesn't absorb properly into my skin. Other cosmetic brands like L'Oreal and Vaseline are rubbish, as were medical brands like E45, Johnson's Baby Oil is too light and Palmers Cocoa Butter did nothing. Everything just left me feeling underwhelmed.
My mum suggested Olive Oil, which worked a treat and made my skin so, so soft - but it left me with a greasy layer of oil all over my body! I had low expectations about Dream Cream but can I just say that it could possibly be the BEST BODY CREAM EVER. Seriously, I applied this at night and my skin was left feeling so soft the next day. I don't know how Lush did it but there is not a single dry patch on me now - not a flake. I've been using this every night and my skin has improved tenfold... I'm so happy I discovered it! :)

Why you should go 'Au Natural'
The main reason why Lush products work so much better than other cosmetic products, I believe, is because the ingridients they use are natural and organic. Soaps and creams loaded with chemicals can seriously disturb your skin's PH balance and this is why a lot of people with sensitive/dry skin prefer to go organic. Next time you buy a cream or shower gel look at the ingredients and think about whether you want all those chemicals on you?! I'm no skin expert, this is just my personal opinion. I'd love to know what products you all use!

Sami xx

PS Sorry about the lengthy post... next one will be full of pics I promise :-)


  1. I also have dry skin and have always have wondered whether lush products are harsh.. perhaps a review on the soaps?

  2. I have to say Lush is so amazing. I have very sensitive skin and eczema which means i have trouble finding things that don't upset my skin, i can even use the bath bombs with no upset.

  3. i might try the dream cream.. i have extremely dry skin too! thanks for the tip xx

  4. gorgeous products! I might try :)

  5. It's so nice to find products for dry skin that are not boring or clinically smelling. Think I may just give lush a try.

  6. I love using Lush products. I love how natural they are.

  7. I'm so happy to hear that you guys use Lush too :)

    @ BeeRoyal - the soap I got was good but for very dry/sensitive skin I think the Flying Fox shower gel and Dream Cream would work better x

  8. haha on the pop corn ! i would have totally ate them too !
    enjoy ur goodies =)
