Monday 3 May 2010

My Loves

A quick run down of what I'm loving right now!
Louis Vuitton
In a moment of madness I splashed most of last month's wages on a goooorgeous, yummy LV speedy bag! Now it's the only bag I ever use... seriously, you could be dressed in joggers and a tee and still look glam with a stylish bag like this. Love, love love it! :- )  


Books over movies
Since having some time off work I've rediscovered my love for reading. I've just finished reading Dear John (fyi - it made me cry like a baby) and thought it was fantastic. I found that the film wasn't nearly as good (drooling over Channing Tatum was fun though.... i'd watch it with the mute button on next time!). At the mo I'm reading Confessions of a Shopaholic (hated the film - love the book).

My current collection: not exactly literary greats but definitely fun to read :- )

Long, healthy lashes
After years of falsies, extensions and mountains of mascara my poor lashes had had enough so I popped into Boots and got the L'oreal Lash Renewal Serum to see if I could fix the damage. I'd heard a lot of positive things from fellow bloggers so thought I'd give it a try, and I'm happy to say they were right! I've been using it for about 2weeks and it's really restored my lashes, so yay!

I stupidly forgot to do a 'before and after shot' so this is the next best thing!

Gucci the kitten
You might remember my little kitten, Gucci, from a previous post - he's the latest addition to my house/family and I <3 him!! He's so funny and always keeps me entertained! Promise not to bore you with any more posts about him (my friends and Mr are getting fed up of all the stories). Seriously, I'm like those old ladies who's lives revolve around their cats! :-S

<3  <3  <3 !

So that's my highlights from April, nothing majorly exciting but whatevs. I'm looking forward to Summer - it's just around the corner!! Any ideas on fun things to do in London??

Sami xx  

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