Saturday 15 May 2010

Things that I don't like very much!

Occasionally I will buy or get sent something that doesn't quite impress me as much as I thought it would so I thought I'd share a few of those with you. Besides, it can get boring only writing about stuff that you like.

Please bear in mind that the views expressed are entirely my own and everyone's entitled to their opinion... mine just happens to be that they suck : - )

Maybelline Lash Stiletto Mascara
I personally LOOVE Maybelline mascaras so I had high hopes for this one. It had the long spiky wand, sleek packaging and a totes cool name, but it made my lashes look really scraggy and haggard. It didn't length them or add much volume - instead it made me look like I had got drunk and decided to do my eye makeup :- |
Uber-cute packaging... ahhh how appearances can be deceiving 

Silly Batiste getting in the way 

Dermalogica Microfoliant
After hearing a bunch of stuff about the microfoliant and how it was so gentle and really cleaned your skin I felt I just HAD to give it a go. Of course, silly old me didn't bother to check if it was suitable for all skintypes (it's not) before using it and it completely dried out my already dry skin and left it with these icky flaky patches. It's such a shame because I was soooo excited to use this product. I had dreams that it would leave me with clean, glowy skin... : - ( never mind...!  
Guess it just wasn't meant to be...

Pearl Drops Replenishing White
I'm quite cynical about teeth whitening products (if people are paying near enough £1000 for it what makes you thing a two quid toothpaste will do the job?!) Pearl Drops are, in my books, the worst offenders. I tried using this toothpaste and it was a bit of a disaster. Firstly, it took forever to get it out on first pump, then a couple of days later it exploded all over the lid.... I'm sure Pearl Drops do whiten your teeth to some extent, I just wouldn't rely on it to work miracles.

Other (not so) honourable mentions:
  • Benefit's One Hot Minute - this is actually a great product and it leaves you with a gorgeous glow but it made me break out in spots. There's something in the ingredients that doesn't quite agree with me :-(
  • Marks & Spencer Nail Polish - I had a £10 gift voucher to spend at M&S and so I thought I'd try out their nail polishes. Bad idea. It had a very thick and gloopy consistency, refused to dry and came out extremely streaky. Never.Again. 
  • Paul & Joe Lipstick - got this in a goodie bag last year and loved the colour and cutesy design but it dried out my lips like crazy  
Soooo do you guys agree or disagree with any of the above? Any recommendations on how to work though these problem products that don't seem to like me?!

Sami xx

PS Do you like the new layout of my blog...?! I'm giving it a little revamp!


  1. i really like that maybelinne mascara lol im a l'oreal telescopic girl and swear to only ever use that but when im feeling some subtle lashes i like using that. but i find it dried out really quickly!

  2. My sis uses telescopic and it makes her lashes look amazing! I'm gonna have 2 try and steal it from her :P
