Saturday 29 May 2010

THE serum for red, blotchy skin

If you don't like mushrooms you probably won't like this post...

So a couple of weeks ago I was lucky enough to attend the launch of the latest product from Origins Dr Weil collection. (Dr Weil is this really cute, cuddly old man that kinda resembles Santa).

It basically helps relive sensitive or inflamed skin. I've been using it for two weeks straight and found it to be quite moisturising. It also has a 'cooling' effect that I'm guessing helps to relieve those angry red patches you get on hot days. Apart from the odd mushroom smell this product is actually quite effective - especially during the summer.

Origins Mega-Mushroom Skin Relief Advanced Face Serum, from £41

*This product was a freebie but that doesn't mean my opinion is biased* 

Sami xx


  1. sounds like a great product!

  2. Yup it is... as long as you can get past the smell!xx

  3. Sounds really interesting! Mushrooms for face! I've never tried anything like this before! :D

  4. Sounds cool. I've been using the same moisturiser for years, so miht be worth me trying something new.

  5. yeah.... it's quite unique and u get used to the smell! i haven't used many origins products but the ones i did have been good!

  6. I think I need this! My face is kinda splotchy now from the heat. Thanks for posting this. Will be searching for this. Great blog you got here!

  7. no probs hun... it will be out in August! xx
