Saturday 29 May 2010

THE serum for red, blotchy skin

If you don't like mushrooms you probably won't like this post...

So a couple of weeks ago I was lucky enough to attend the launch of the latest product from Origins Dr Weil collection. (Dr Weil is this really cute, cuddly old man that kinda resembles Santa).

It basically helps relive sensitive or inflamed skin. I've been using it for two weeks straight and found it to be quite moisturising. It also has a 'cooling' effect that I'm guessing helps to relieve those angry red patches you get on hot days. Apart from the odd mushroom smell this product is actually quite effective - especially during the summer.

Origins Mega-Mushroom Skin Relief Advanced Face Serum, from £41

*This product was a freebie but that doesn't mean my opinion is biased* 

Sami xx

Monday 24 May 2010

Hot Pink Chanel Lips

I am going slightly crazy looking for this new limited edition lipstick by Chanel, which is part of their summer collection... It's out of stock in most london department stores... maybe it's not meant to be??!!

The lippie itself is a shocking matt pink (pictured on the far left)

And I'm afraid my obsession for pink lippies doesn't stop there.... Look out for an upcoming post on my Top pink lip products !

Sami x 

Friday 21 May 2010

A change is as good as a holiday...

I've been toying with the idea of a new blog look/name for a while now so I hope all my lovely followers like the latest changes I've made to it. I don't have an actual reason for the overhaul... it's just that I get bored easily and like to change things up now and then.

For now i'm happy with how it's looking.... but the title image is looking scary big... should I get it made smaller???!!!

Here's a pic of what the image looked like before....

Let me know your thoughts peeeepul.... Sami xx

Saturday 15 May 2010

Things that I don't like very much!

Occasionally I will buy or get sent something that doesn't quite impress me as much as I thought it would so I thought I'd share a few of those with you. Besides, it can get boring only writing about stuff that you like.

Please bear in mind that the views expressed are entirely my own and everyone's entitled to their opinion... mine just happens to be that they suck : - )

Maybelline Lash Stiletto Mascara
I personally LOOVE Maybelline mascaras so I had high hopes for this one. It had the long spiky wand, sleek packaging and a totes cool name, but it made my lashes look really scraggy and haggard. It didn't length them or add much volume - instead it made me look like I had got drunk and decided to do my eye makeup :- |
Uber-cute packaging... ahhh how appearances can be deceiving 

Silly Batiste getting in the way 

Dermalogica Microfoliant
After hearing a bunch of stuff about the microfoliant and how it was so gentle and really cleaned your skin I felt I just HAD to give it a go. Of course, silly old me didn't bother to check if it was suitable for all skintypes (it's not) before using it and it completely dried out my already dry skin and left it with these icky flaky patches. It's such a shame because I was soooo excited to use this product. I had dreams that it would leave me with clean, glowy skin... : - ( never mind...!  
Guess it just wasn't meant to be...

Pearl Drops Replenishing White
I'm quite cynical about teeth whitening products (if people are paying near enough £1000 for it what makes you thing a two quid toothpaste will do the job?!) Pearl Drops are, in my books, the worst offenders. I tried using this toothpaste and it was a bit of a disaster. Firstly, it took forever to get it out on first pump, then a couple of days later it exploded all over the lid.... I'm sure Pearl Drops do whiten your teeth to some extent, I just wouldn't rely on it to work miracles.

Other (not so) honourable mentions:
  • Benefit's One Hot Minute - this is actually a great product and it leaves you with a gorgeous glow but it made me break out in spots. There's something in the ingredients that doesn't quite agree with me :-(
  • Marks & Spencer Nail Polish - I had a £10 gift voucher to spend at M&S and so I thought I'd try out their nail polishes. Bad idea. It had a very thick and gloopy consistency, refused to dry and came out extremely streaky. Never.Again. 
  • Paul & Joe Lipstick - got this in a goodie bag last year and loved the colour and cutesy design but it dried out my lips like crazy  
Soooo do you guys agree or disagree with any of the above? Any recommendations on how to work though these problem products that don't seem to like me?!

Sami xx

PS Do you like the new layout of my blog...?! I'm giving it a little revamp!

Tuesday 11 May 2010

The Makeup Manual

Apologies for my absence from blogsphere, I've been getting a bit lazy with my posts (rubbish excuse I know). I've also been trying to stay away from makeup and unnecessary spending so haven't got any new, sparkly things to show you guys : - (

BUT, what I have been enjoying for the past couple of days is the Bobbi Brown Makeup Manual which I came across in the library. I've always been tempted to buy it from the Bobbi Brown counters just because it looked so glam and pink! 

Anyhus, I snapped it up quickly and have been reading it since. It gives really useful tips on taking care of  your skin, makeup application, makeup tools, etc. The only thing it didn't really touch on was contouring, which seems a bit silly because it's such a popular makeup technique these days. But, Bobbi Brown, you are forgiven because the images and easy-to-understand writing made this book a real pleasure to read! I'm considering purchasing the book after so I can use it as my go-to for beauty advice and tips.

As you can see the images are really striking and there's simple step-by-step tips so even a beginner can understand the art of makeup

Monday 3 May 2010

My Loves

A quick run down of what I'm loving right now!
Louis Vuitton
In a moment of madness I splashed most of last month's wages on a goooorgeous, yummy LV speedy bag! Now it's the only bag I ever use... seriously, you could be dressed in joggers and a tee and still look glam with a stylish bag like this. Love, love love it! :- )  


Books over movies
Since having some time off work I've rediscovered my love for reading. I've just finished reading Dear John (fyi - it made me cry like a baby) and thought it was fantastic. I found that the film wasn't nearly as good (drooling over Channing Tatum was fun though.... i'd watch it with the mute button on next time!). At the mo I'm reading Confessions of a Shopaholic (hated the film - love the book).

My current collection: not exactly literary greats but definitely fun to read :- )

Long, healthy lashes
After years of falsies, extensions and mountains of mascara my poor lashes had had enough so I popped into Boots and got the L'oreal Lash Renewal Serum to see if I could fix the damage. I'd heard a lot of positive things from fellow bloggers so thought I'd give it a try, and I'm happy to say they were right! I've been using it for about 2weeks and it's really restored my lashes, so yay!

I stupidly forgot to do a 'before and after shot' so this is the next best thing!

Gucci the kitten
You might remember my little kitten, Gucci, from a previous post - he's the latest addition to my house/family and I <3 him!! He's so funny and always keeps me entertained! Promise not to bore you with any more posts about him (my friends and Mr are getting fed up of all the stories). Seriously, I'm like those old ladies who's lives revolve around their cats! :-S

<3  <3  <3 !

So that's my highlights from April, nothing majorly exciting but whatevs. I'm looking forward to Summer - it's just around the corner!! Any ideas on fun things to do in London??

Sami xx