Sunday 28 February 2010

I Want Long(er) Hair!!

I haven't cut my hair for a year and a half. I know - it's shameful right? But please don't judge me - let me explain myself... You see my hair takes FOREVER to grow and I really, really want it to be long! : - (

So now I have kind of long hair with crazy split ends that have got a mind of their own. Enough is enough - I need a trim!

Luckily I have found a solution - hair extensions!! I've been researching the best quality/value for money ones to see what's bestfor me... so watch this space!

Sami xx

Okay, maybe this is a bit too long... lol

Vera Wang Perfume

Being a bit of a beauty magpie I've always had my eye on Vera Wang Princess but it was only recently that I actually brought it (I usually play it safe when it comes to perfume and stick to my Lacoste/Armani/Chanel classics). Anyway, I was worried that although the bottle is very pretty (it's in a heart shape with a little crown on top!) it probably wouldn't smell nice.

Now, after wearing it for a couple of weeks I have to say I really like the fragrance... it's got a sweet, sugary almond scent to it (sorry - i'm rubbish at describing smells). The only downside is that it's not very strong and so I have to spray it on like 10 times in a day...

I'm now contemplating getting the new LE version (Vera Wang Glam Princess), which looks like it could have a stronger scent.

Beauty Lust Have: MAC Lipstick in Show Orchid

My two current obsessions at the moment are: lipsticks and pink. So you can imagine my delight when I found this gorgeous lippy in MAC...

OMG I need this in my life...

If anyone knows any other pink lippys that would suit Asian skin tone let me know :-)

Sami xx

Lady Gaga, Cyndi Lauper and MAC = Dream Collaboration!

I heard about the MAC/Gaga/Lauper collaboration a looooong time ago and it was only yesterday that I saw the actual ad campaign. All I can say is WOW! Lady Gaga actually looks like a lady and Cyndi Lauper looks like she's had about 20years knocked off her!

I'm waiting for a press release but I know that funds from their VivaGlam range will go towards helping women with HIV.

I'll definitely be popping into MAC to get hold of one of these lippies... i'm angling towards the pink....

Sami xx

Jelly Pong Pong Shadow Taffy - UPDATE

Okay so I know I got very excited over this little product but after a week of using it I have to say I'm kind of disappointed :S

Cream eyeshadows are notoriously known to crease and I was hoping this one would be different - it wasn't. Not only did it crease, it started to come off halfway through the day and was not nearly as pigmented as I thought it would be after I swatched it!

But all is not lost... my colleague tried their lip orchid and found it to have a good consistency and nice sheer finish. So I guess it's hit and miss.

Sami xx

Tuesday 16 February 2010

Sooo Damn Cute!

I got a lovely surprise this morning as I walked up to my desk... a gorgeously packaged product sent to the office by Jelly Pong Pong!

Their new Spring range included all sorts of cute things with lovely packaging and the one that really caught my eye was the Shadow Taffy, a melted down eye cream in a bronze shade and a bright pink.

I've used Jelly Pong Pong products before and haven't been majorly impressed but I will definetely try this little beauty out and give a better review onthe actual product.

How cute is the packaging?! xx

Shadow Taffy, £15,

Monday 15 February 2010

Perfume rave

Okay, so I have to say I'm not exactly an expert on fragrances... usually I go for something that smells 'nice' and has a gorgeous bottle (superficial? ME? Nooo....) But one fragrance that totally caught me by surprise was Lacoste's Love of Pink. The packaging... not so great. But the fragrance... WoW! It's so simple and sweet I could wear it all the time! I wouldn't normally go for it but I was given it as a gift and I can safely say I am head over heels.

Anyhu, just thought I would share that! : - ) xx

Saturday 13 February 2010

Oooooo U Sexy Mother Pucker...

I've always been a bit cynical about lip 'plumpers' but yesterday I strolled into Boots with a friend and we both thought we'd try one out. Now, my lips aren't really, really thin... but then again they're not as full and pouty as I'd like them to be.

I decided to go for the Soap & Glory Sexy Mother Pucker XL Extreme Plump, which is meant to be an enhanced version of the bestselling original.

Result: the lip gloss had a lovely consistency and went on smoothly without being too sticky. And although my lips stung like mad for the first 10-15 minutes, it did have a noticeable effect. I will save it for special occasions though, because it can be quite painful! xx

Soap & Glory Sexy Mother Pucker XL Extreme Plump is available at Boots, priced £10 (special offer of £6.67 at the moment so get there asap!)

Saturday 6 February 2010

I Heart NARS!!

Okay, so I am ashamed to admit that up until the other day I had never owned or tried out a NARS product. But, after hearing so many great things about them I thought why not check them out?

So I stumbled into Liberty near Regents St after work one evening and brought two things: NARS powder blush in Orgasm and NARS Sheer Glow Foundation. And I can officially say that I now love Nars!!

The powder blush gave my skin a really healthy glow (great name too i must add!) and the Sheer Glow got me some compliments :)

I will deffinetly be trying out some more products from this brand... if anyone has a recommendation for me that would be lovely... xx